Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Do Sleep as sleep ! Do not let slip !!

Do Sleep as sleep ! Do not let slip !!

Nowadays, in so many countries, why, in almost all the countries, problem of insomnia, is prevailing among humankind. The thought of insomnia itself has made the situation to worse. So, it is construed that the problem of insomnia is an amplified ordinary problem.

If one person allows the body to enjoy its legitimate right to maintain the health with desire in a routine manner, definitely the body shall get required sleep. But the other unwanted jobs have used to encroach the time for sleep. The owner of the body has also used to give permission for such unauthentic encroachment. In such condition, the body will keep on possible effort, whenever the body is not doing hard physical work, to get required sleep. Sometimes, even during the hard physical work the same effort will happen. Such effort of the grateful body will interrupt the routine work as decided by concerned person. Hence the concerned person shall not be able to concentrate the current events. Is it an ethical one? Then who is the black ‘sheep? He should turn into white heart. White heart is a natural one!

If desire firmly, so many ways will be opened without any barricade.

Proper meditation will lead the person affected by insomnia to get normal state, step by step easily. I have mentioned a system of common meditation in my website.

Divine sayings about sleep, night and daytime:

And it is He who has made the night for you as clothing and sleep [a means for] rest and has made the day to awake again.[Holy Quran 25:47]

And made your sleep [a means for] rest [Holy Quran 78:9]

And made the night as clothing [Holy Quran 78:10]

And made the day for livelihood [Holy Quran 78:11]

By all means, we are able to understand that the night is meant for sleep. On the other side, we are able to understand that the daytime is meant for livelihood.@

In my medical practice, I used to advice my patients to have a sleep at least from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.  as much as possible, to enable to maintain their health in a easy natural way, so as to cover to get the benefits through the valid functions of liver, gall bladder and lungs. As the gall bladder is the coupled organ of liver, the liver will get support from the gall bladder energy.

Generally, a total sleep for 7 to 8 hours in a whole day is enough for a grown body to maintain normal health. In night time 6 to 7 hours & in the day time an hour during noon as nap [a short sleep]. The nap [a short sleep] will facilitate the body to get more energy, to awake in the late night. 8 hours sleep is one third of 24 hours in a day. If a person lived life for 69 years in this world, he spent 23 years just for sleep not as waste. Those 23 years of proper sleep is like the back bone of his entire life to face the activities and valuable deeds of 69 years. In extraordinary circumstances the person can adjust the sleep as he desires.

Human sleep & Human death:

"Ocean of knowledge [BAHR UL ILM] Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali Rahmatullahi Alaihi" [1058 AD-1111 AD]. in his theological fine book, by name "Kimiya E sa’adhatu" had elaborately discussed about  some organs of human body, about the human sleep and about the human death, with following contents:

“The Provider provides us three types of organs within the human body:

1. Highly essential organs such as heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, head. No one can live without such organs.

2. Somewhat required organs such as eyes, upper limbs, lower limbs. Human can live even without such organs, but with difficulties.

3. Some parts only for beauty such as eye brows colour of head hair, colour of lips. Subuhanallah!

Human sleep is the sister of Human death:

While human sleep is taking place on the human live body, all the five sense organs will never work: Other essential organs related to Respiratory system, Blood circulatory system, Excretory system, Digestive system and Nerves system are will be in continuous work. At the same time, the sensation [feeling] will remain in the whole body.

It is a common nature, if anything hits on one or more sense organ, for example when a noise with somewhat decibel pressure reach the ear, the organ will get alert and induce the sleeping human to awake from sleep.

When death happens, all the internal and external organs are will remain as they are in the body itself, but never work. There will also be no sensation [feeling] even on a single cell of the whole body”.

Now you can go through the following findings of scientific researchers also to know more about sleep and health.

Chinese organ clock theory

The Chinese body clock is built on the concept of energy. During 24 hours, energy is thought to move in 2-hour intervals throughout the organ systems. While you’re sleeping, energy is believed to draw inward to fully restore your body.

One of the most important 2-hour intervals is between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., which is when the liver is believed to be cleansing the blood. It’s during this time frame that the body begins to prepare for energy to move outward from the body again.

11 pm - 1 am: Gallbladder; This organ system stores and excretes bile and is said to be the center of decision making and self-esteem. If you are not in bed by this time you are consuming your gallbladders energy store, which can lead to digestion difficulties, poor judgment and even a lowered self-esteem.

3 am - 5 am: Lung: The lung is responsible for moving the energy through the meridians and the entire body and maintaining the immune system.

Jet lag disorder

A jet lag sufferer may experience a number of physical and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, confusion, dehydration, headache, irritability, nausea, indigestion, difficulty concentrating, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, malaise (a general feeling of being unwell), and even memory loss besides travel fatigue and insomnia. Some individuals report additional symptoms, such as heartbeat irregularities and increased susceptibility to illness.

When sleep-wake patterns are disturbed because of jet lag, a traveler may feel drowsy, tired, irritable, lethargic, and slightly disoriented. It can result from traveling across time zones or from doing shift work. The more time zones a person crosses in a short period, the more severe the symptoms are likely to be.

Sleep is a powerful force,but not through other source. @

So many people are suffering much, due to shift work often to get some remuneration from the employer or to get more profit as a owner, to enable to live pleasantly. Because of such unwanted and unethical practices, everyone is losing  real health. Though everyone is having a backbone for the body itself, many of us is being incurred more and more money to keep the health of their own backbone, because of various spine problems. What a pity? Everyone used to declare verbally as “Health is a real wealth". So, everyone can understand that the real health alone is the backbone of the beautiful and valuable life. Hence, everyone can pronounce louder that,

 "Getting more remuneration will not able to lead a healthy life: remuneration is just for life: life is not just for remuneration, but to live smartly".

14 Health Benefits of Sleeping Early

Here remember your LKG rhyme please.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise’ were the words uttered by Benjamin Franklin (one of the founding fathers of the United States).

1: Better sleep quality 2: Reduces the risk of diseases 3: A healthier heart 4: Improves memory 5: Controls weight 6: Feel happier 7: More energy 8: Strengthens the immune system 9: Reduces anxiety and depression 10: Feel more attractive 11: Sharper thinking skills 12: Prevents accidents 13: Increases productivity 14: Improves athletic performance

NB: Renowned neurologist Dr David Perlmutter has stated (in The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan) that after 10pm the body metabolizes a lot of waste products, and during 11pm-2am, the immune system recharges itself.

உறக்கம் எத்தனை வகை!?

FAILOOLAலுஹர் நேரத்தில் உறங்குவது;

இது வறுமையை உண்டாக்கும்.

QAILOOLAலுஹருக்கு சற்று முன் தூங்குவது;

இது செல்வத்தைத் தரும்.

KAILOOLAஅஸருக்குப் பின் உறங்குவது;

இது பைத்தியத்தை உருவாக்கும்.

NAILOOLAஃரிபுக்குப் பின் உறங்குவது;

இது புறம் பேசுவதை உண்டாக்கும்.

நன்றி:ராஷித்-தமிழ் மாத இஸ்லாமிய சிந்தனை இதழ்.மே-2014

யூஸுபிய்யா அரபிக்கல்லூரி, திண்டுக்கல். 








Monday, 22 June 2020

Everyone can see! Everyone can do!!

Everyone can see! Everyone can do!!

"Natural way of life"

Everyone can see that many very old people are walking without walking stick!
Everyone can see that many very old people are seeing without spectacles!
Everyone can see that many very old people are eating even hard food without artificial teeth!
Everyone can see that many very old people are searching without spectacles  on the head of their granddaughters to collect lice!
Everyone can see that many very old people are sleeping without sleeping tablets!
Everyone can see that many very old people are taking bath with normal water!
Answer: Because of their best way of life! 
They are living beautifully, in a  natural way!
Question: Is it possible for me?
Answer: Certainly it is possible to you too! 
Not just only to you, it is possible for everyone, if desire!!

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Spurs {bone problem}

Spurs {bone problem}

Causes for bone spurs & Treatment:

A bone spur is a tiny pointed outgrowth of bone that projects from the normal bone around joints. Bone spurs are common elsewhere in the body. Spurs usually are caused by inflammation that stimulates formation of new additional particle to the existing bone. Examples of causes of local inflammation at the edge of joints that cause spurs are inflammation of the tendons and ligaments that attach to the bone. Wear-and-tear arthritis (osteoarthritis) is the most common cause of bone spurs. As osteoarthritis breaks down the cartilage cushioning the ends of our bones, our body attempts to repair the loss by creating bone spurs near the damaged area.

Bone spurs may or may not cause symptoms. When they do cause symptoms, the symptoms depend on their location. It can be associated with pain, numbness, tenderness, and weakness if they are irritating adjacent tissues. Bone spurs are treated only if they are causing symptoms. Initial treatment is directed toward decreasing inflammation and avoiding re-injure when possible.

The required treatment is available in our clinic under holistic approach without any operation in a natural way.
Mob:+91 8056098511

Specialties of Humanity

5 Specialties of Humanity:

1. Representative of The Creator with all the facilitation.

The mankind is entitled to control all of that which is on the earth, which is in the heavens [sky]and which is on the sea.

2. Assurance for a permanent life in the eternal world [hereafter] forever.

3. Sixth sense:

The humankind alone has been awarded with sixth sense among all creations which makes the mankind first in the list of creations. The sixth sense is not just a terminology, but is a term in addition to the five physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch which are having direct connection with the visible external organs eyes/eye, ears/ear, nose, tongue and skin respectively.

The sixth sense is consisting of some moral characters such as prudence, trustworthy, restraint, self-consciousness, self-effacement, puddency [modesty] which are the state of consciousness of human being. Puddency [modesty] is a virtue, which shall be able to shape everyone as a key for the treasury having all the good things and as a lock for the warehouse having all the evil things.

Human being has given freedom and restriction. For example: Human being is able to stand on land by rising one leg, whereas not able to stand on land by raising both legs. These are freedom and restriction respectively.

Human being has got many powerful activities and weakness. For example: Human being is able to see with eye/eyes even the stars in the sky at a view which are up above so high from this earth, whereas not able to see anything in full shape, even a micro mustard seed at a view. These are power and weakness respectively.

4. Dress:

Dress means wear clothes in a specified way which is an external covering to the physical body of mankind. For the  terminology of "dress", there are many meanings.
Dress is 2 types. One is physical dress as clothing. Another one is marriage as spiritual dress.

It is an arrangement provided by the Creator to the human being alone, whereas the remaining creations do not have such a fantastic distinguished arrangement having dignity.   We are entitled prepare dress even from the skin of many animals to enable us to wear according to our requirement. If a lion, a bear, a tiger, a giraffe, an elephant, a camel entered in to the market with a desire to wear clothing for themselves, what will be position of humankind? Nothing doing! Really its God’s Grace!!

5. Marriage [spiritual dress]

Marriage is the legal union with majesty of a man and a woman in order to live together and to have children.

It is a special arrangement provided by The Creator, to the human being alone. The remaining creations other than humankind,do not have such a fantastic distinguished arrangement having dignity.  It is a recorded proof in our social life since birth to death, i.e., birth certificate, death certificate and legal heir certificate in legitimate manner. Even after the death of a man and woman [i.e. parents] the code will used to continue till existence of the assets in the destroy-able world [earth]

Divine Reference:
The Creator has created for the mankind all of that which is on the earth. [Al Quran-2:29]
The Creator has subjected to the mankind whatever is on the earth and the ships which run through the sea by His command! [Al Quran-22:65]
The Creator who subjected to the mankind the sea so that ships may sail upon it by His command and that the mankind may seek of His bounty; and perhaps the mankind will be grateful.[Al Quran-45:12]
The Creator has subjected to the mankind whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth - all from Him. [Al Quran-45:13]
O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness - that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember. [Holy Quran 7:26] 7:26.
O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe. [Holy Quran 7:27] 7:27
They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them [Holy Quran 2:187]

Friday, 19 June 2020

Crow's chick is golden chick

Crow's chick is golden chick
"Crow's chick is golden chick for Crow"- an olden & golden saying.
How does the crow maintain her chicks? Not just the crow, all other creatures are also used to take proper care to maintain their health and to take proper care to maintain their chicks and kids besides giving proper training to them for their future performance.

Of course, they are not expected to earn more and more money for the maintenance their life, just like human beings, all along the day and night.
Even though they have been given lesser knowledge than human beings, they are capable to live in this vast world intact. With possible efforts every creature are doing well duly with wellbeing. For them no facilities of doctors, clinics, hospitals, medical colleges, testing labs, pharmaceuticals,  medical stores, chemists , druggists, health care associations Etc., Because they known about the reality. During their life, there is no cooking, adding no synthetic colours for attraction, no synthetic chemical for extra taste, no frozen and packed foods. Hence they are prepared to make their lifestyle in a simple natural way. However they are not prepared to make their lifestyle against the simple natural way. It is a proven fact.
NB: Medical clinics are being arranged for the pet animals and wild animals by mankind for the own welfare of the mankind. Is it true? It is true.  It is a well known fact.

The animals such as horse, deer, elephant, and buffalo are grazing altogether in a forest. While grazing, a wolf entered in to that place. Immediately the deer and horse afraid about the wolf and  started to run away from the spot. Why? Because of awareness! They understand about the dangerous situation and acted to escape and saved their life. It is called responsibility. Though there was no caution, guidance  and warning. The deer and horse have no sixth sense too. Listen, such animals would not eat some type of green leaves which are harmful to their health.

Human being is the best among the creations, with higher knowledge, which can be proudly called as sixth sense. Hence we the human being is naturally capable to intake proper foods according to the season, living place and available food sources to enable us to maintain real health.
But practically we are unable to follow the real food system. Why? Think twice. Answer is very simple. Everyone knows the fact, but does not understand the reality. So, we are not prepared to adhere to the reality to have a real health

Instead of being concerned with the health of six foot tall body, we prefer the six inch small tongue and the sensation of the tongue. Instead of being concerned for hunger of stomach, we prefer just the taste of the tongue. Everyone should be accustomed to a proper diet to combine hunger and taste. Food is for the life. But life is not for the food. Who should practice? Who should guide?

Every responsible parents should guide everyone under them.
Please listen
If our foods are adulterated with synthetic chemicals & synthetic enzymes knowingly or unknowingly, the routine function of our valuable human body will get interrupted. Then the inner organs of our human body will used to give some specific signals as warning; such as irritation, nausea, vomiting, pain, vertigo etc., to the owner of the body, to enable the owner to stop the consumption of such synthetic chemicals & synthetic enzymes through food.

If we stopped to intake such adulterated food forthwith, and switch over to natural food, our human body will restore itself, with the help of its innate capability achieving and, wherever necessary, reestablishing the natural equilibrium of bodily process, a state referred to as homeostasis. This inborn mechanism which usually cure us while we are ill. Everyone should understand that the body of every mankind is the best doctor.

When we are not minding the signals of the inner organs of our human body and keep on in taking such adulterated food containing synthetic chemicals & synthetic enzymes, our health will change from “ease state” to “disease state”. If we continue the same habit, the health of the human body will become worse.

In some situations, nutrition in excess will be required to the human body additionally. Everyone should take much care in creating real awareness among the people to have access to nutritionally adequate and safe foods besides adequate rest to maintain health in the following states;
1. Recovery after sickness.
2. in accidents.
3. during the periodical menses & in irregularities of every female.
4. during the conceived period of every female.
5. during the child birth of every female.
6. during the tenure of breast feeding.
7.During the adolescent of everyone – person between childhood and manhood [14 to 25 in the case of male & 12 to 21 in the case of a female].
8. during the geriatric period of every male & female.
9. Immediately after the known or unknown natural calamities occurred in one place or elsewhere.
NB: It will be very easy and useful if the government teaches in the schools as a lesson to enable the pupil and people to understand the facts.

Consumption of Intoxicants:
Human should not consume intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, wines, opium, toddy, cocaine, heroin etc. All such intoxicants will spoil the human brain, human liver, human heart, human lungs, human eyes, human face, human skin and all other parts of the human body. Especially, Intoxicants used to change the real power of human brain, which is the master asset to every humankind.

The functions of each and every internal and external organs of human body are taking place in a holistic manner and not as an individual manner like in a vehicle or in a machine. In a vehicle or in a machine we are able to exchange the affected part separately which are regularly available in the market concerned, because such spare parts are continuously produced by many companies with  business competition. Whereas, each and every internal and external organs of human body were created by The Creator, within the womb of mother [an amazing tiny factory without light but within three types of darkness] in micro level. From anywhere no one can purchase such human organs. It is also a proven fact.

Kindly go through the following three links.

1] Brave & wise  mother protects and saves the valuable lives of her babies  from the elite enemy, intact.

2] The mother animal give effective training to its kid animal, immediately on birth of the kid animal to save the life of the kid animal from environment:
3] The mother animal is taking very effective and difficult steps to save the life of its kid animal even in the very dangerous environment:

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

To achieve the goal of mankind

To achieve the goal of mankind

We the mankind having the super power of sixth sense can simplify the serious things such as collection, preservation, packing & transshipment of foods etc.
We need not amplify the ordinary things such as preparation of lands, cultivation, irrigation, protection of crops & vegetables from pests and insects, harvesting of grains & vegetables, preservation of grains & vegetables etc., against the natural way. We can simplify such things in a natural way.
Everyone, either an individual or company should be away from the wrong philosophy of “made drench to increase more burden “. Then we will be able to do fulfill our own needs easily without getting much trouble. Unwanted excess burden could be reduced considerably.

Everyone should try to follow the best philosophy that is appreciable “to stand on my own in a natural way”. It will lead the mankind to have satisfaction in all aspects which is the purpose of human life besides flourishes.
All the lands can be utilized according to the quality and potentiality of the various types of lands by proper analysis. In the vast earth very meager portion alone is being utilised by us even now.

Please think twice:
Which portion of the earth is unusable? No one can reply to this simple question.
Just to realise about our living earth, take an egg and boil it well. Then cut it in half without peeling the shell. Now we are able to see the following 5 things.[Prior to boil we can see many more things]
1. Shell
2. Membranes [Two]
3. Albumen or white
4. Vitelline membrane
5. Yellow yolk
The yellow yolk is like the core of the Earth, the white part is the mantle of the Earth and the thin shell around the egg is the Earth's crust. The Earth's mantle consists of hot, liquid rock called magma (that's the stuff that shoots out of an erupting volcano) and the crust floats on this liquid.
We are living, cultivating the foodstuff, getting gold, silver, platinum etc., only from the shell portion itself. Ooh..

Plenty of job opportunities within our own lands whatever the type may be, if we treat the lands as fields by thinking all lands are for the welfare of humankind. Every land is worthy one.
If we start do appropriate, required or possible efforts to cultivate the possible crops with available source of water, many ways will be opened to proceed further steps. Available ground water and possible rain water will do serve the purpose and shall help everybody.

Kindly go through the following 2 links:
Organic cultivation of food crops and vegetables in a small land to have a peaceful life besides required monetary benefits.
Uzhavukku Uyiroottu: இயற்கை விவசாயம்.
Organic cultivation of vegetables on the terrace of living house to fulfill needs of a family to have a cheerful life besides certain monetary benefits.
Home/Lodge/Schools/Community Halls-Terrace cultivation
மாடித்தோட்ட காய்கறி சாகுபடி

By the by, to achieve the goal of mankind, first of all everyone should come forward to understand about the mankind & about the goal.
Who is mankind?
The Creator creates the mankind in beautiful manner, selects the mankind as the best among those creations & declares the mankind as His representatives.

What is the goal of mankind?
The Creator announces that the mankind are created only for the purpose to worship of The Creator, (i.e., to obey and do the "DO" orders & avoid and don't do the "DON'T" orders).The the rest of the creations are for the welfare of the mankind. So, everyone can understand about the supremacy of the mankind.
For the best performance, the mankind should understand about the assets provided to him by The Creator. The assets are: 1.Human Physical body [visible] 2.Human Soul [invisible]. Initially, the created ancient invisible human soul from the world of souls used to merge with the recent fetus in womb of mother at a particular time, to enable to grow as a handsome man/woman body within a stipulated time. Finally the grown visible destroy-able human body duly with invisible undestroyable human soul used to enter in to this vast world as a baby. Every human being has the time to live in this world. Death occurs when the deadline ends. On expiry of allotted time, the  invisible undestroyable human soul, which is  merged already with fetus in womb of mother, used to depart from the visible destroy-able human body. The visible destroy-able human body is like a hired vehicle for the invisible undestroyable human soul to live for a short span of life. 

Then the  invisible undestroyable human soul shall enter in to the eternal world. In the eternal world, the undestroyable human soul  shall get the rewards from The Creator as assured. The undestroyable human soul shall live a permanent  life in the eternal world for ever.

1. Physical body: Physical body is like a kingdom. It contains internal organs and external organs with specific shape with respective functions duly with distinguished six senses. The Creator certainly created the mankind in the best stature. Human body is an amazing creation. Human body is the best doctor duly with innate capability. The human body is used to grow and develop with the things [foods & drinks] getting from the earth. Human body provides us with all the components it needs not just to maintain itself, but additionally to give rise to new life because of its innate capability. So, everyone can understand about the importance of the human physical body.

2. Human Soul: Human Soul is like the monarch. The soul [the Spirit] is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with The Creator. Even after the great research no one can specifically find out the human soul that of what it is! Still the mankind is only able to realize the human soul; like air and electricity which are invisible. The human soul is used to grow and develop with the help good deeds alone. The activities of physical body which are like hardware can be controlled by the human soul which is software. Whenever the soul used to depart from human body as merged earlier, none can be called as man/woman. So, everyone can understand about the supremacy of the human soul than physical body.

Human beings are in need of many requirements for their short span of life from birth to death such as mainly food, cloth, residence, vehicle and spouse [after attaining maturity]. Human Life will face the combination of health & sickness.

Hence everyone has to expect the real health , by considering both body in connection with good food as well as  soul in connection with good deeds simultaneously. No one can simply ignore the good deeds.  Both good foods & good deeds  are very essential to get real human health. "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions”. 

Please listen. The ways and means just to get the good food crops which are the base of good food, not to do harm to the valuable physical body, alone is discussed minimally in these lines.

Real achievement shall be based on the efforts. Efforts are three types. 1. Appropriate effort 2.Required effort 3.Possible effort. Please choose one among three for you as you wish! It will lead you the ways to get success.