Sunday 11 August 2013


Cleansing of our body is playing vital role in maintaining the health of body and mind.

A.Brushing of teeth:

Immediately on rise from the bed early in the morning, do brush the teeth with a natural soft root are soft stem of the green tree.

   1. It cleanses and sweetens the mouth and checks it bad smell.

   2. It strengthens the gums and improves eye-sight

   3. It improves the memory power.

   4. It is a purge against bile and phlegm.

   5. As many as 70 virtues of the brush have been enumerated by the theologians..

B.1.Excretion of Urine 

In a day one can pass out the urine 6-10 times according to the atmosphere.When urging for urination, one should search for a suitable urinal. Before entering in to urinal, wear the foot wear, cover the head, sit properly (by pressing gently with right elbow at the right lower abdomen, and close the nostrils with palm) and then start to pass out the urine completely without retraction. Then immediately wash the outlet and urinal with sufficient clean water

B.2.Excretion of Stool:

C.Taking Bath:Take bath whenever necessary. Naturally bathing cools down & removes the dirts.

D.De-worming. Natural de-worming twice in a week is enough.If not, have medication twice in a year.

E.Removal of Nails.

F.Removal of Hairs.

G.Circumcision- An ancient Hygiene-Proven Scientific Fact!

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