Sunday 11 August 2013




Dr. Body S.D.M(self defence mechanism)., is capable to get set itself to right, within the required time. The Creator says in His current Book that, “We have certainly created man in the best stature.”

Everyone can understand the well known fact. Think about the Placenta: when the placenta, which is the only way to get food & oxygen to the fetus in the uterus of mother since third month to the time/date of birth to the baby, which is cut off, immediately on birth by the well wisher of mother or by the care taker of the born baby.Now indeed the born baby is getting food through 2 paths and getting oxygen through a wonderful way in the common wide world. What a wonderful creation of The Creator! Even in the hottest or coolest atmosphere, our body is capable to maintain the required temperature to it.

The same self defense mechanism will continue till the permissible time, i.e. up the last breath of everyone as decided by the Creator, if there will be no interruption. But what are all things going on in our life? We used to deviate the regulations stipulated to our body and soul, in so many ways. Who will shoulder the responsibility for it? Who is ready to accept their deviations? Here/hear we have to think about the 4 enemies.(pl.refer-caution! 4 enemies!!!!)

If there is some deviation, there will be some difficulties. If there is one -, one + is necessary to get equilibrium. If - -, + + is necessary and similarly so on. So, some stress requires little rest & much stress requires such rest. In a scale, there is 10 nos. of 100 gram weigh measures on one pan; we need not put 10 nos. of 100 gram weigh measures on another pan to get balanced. If we just put only 1 no. of 1 Kg weigh measure will do the purpose within a short time. Similarly, much care in short time will do the purpose, i.e., to get full recovery (from disease to ease).

 Certainly, for many problems the required solution is already in existence. For example the solution” 4” is there. But problems may differ:

 See, the following problems:        

2+2/ 2x2/1+3/ 3+1//1 ½ +2 1/2//2 ½+1 1/2//5-1/6-2/7-3/ 8-4/ 9-5/100-96/104-100//1000/250// .. ., 999999999999999-999999999999995.., so on. The solution “4” is already there. We have to find it out properly. It is related with two-way responsibility, both by the doctor & patient.

1.Order x Disorder 2.Comfort x Uncomfort 3.Balance x Imbalance 4.Ease x Disease

So we have to involve altogether getting well from all the disease except death. The mankind is in no need of the list of incurable diseases.  Therefore we need not worry about the present ailments. Please try to follow the systems of medicines with involvement. If we fulfil the efforts on our part, The Curer will give the cure.

"In my practice, I concentrate on identifying the underlying cause of the problem. Without correctly diagnosing the cause, treatments very often mask the symptom, and the original problem remains. No change. However, once the real cause is found, and the appropriate treatment begun, the body can heal itself. The quality of life then improves for the patient."

I used to explain the real facts in detail to the patients according to their ability about their present ailments. Because, it will be very useful at present in getting cure from the ailments as soon as possible as a breakdown measure and also the same will be certainly useful for the family members & to the heirs of my patient as a preventive measure which will lead the mankind to  score a disease free world. If desire, every human being is capable to do so, because the living body is the best doctor as designed by The Creator.

People are used to wrongly think that the medication alone will do the purpose. But the real requirements to get remedy from ailments are based on 3 things.

1. First is real rest, 2. Second is required diet system & 3.Third is medication.

Most of them are prepared to understand and they desire to adhere to the real system of the treatment. The system of treatment is not important one, but the cure is important. They are getting cured in a gradual manner and  many patients got cured as a miracle in accordance with:

 a) the severity of the ailment

b) the age of the ailment

c) the age of the patient &

d) the acceptance of the body cells of the patient.

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