Sunday 11 August 2013

The Aim of Mankind


HEALTH is related with
1) Physically (+)                        2) Mentally (+)
3) Financially & Socially (+)      4) Spiritually (+)

ILL HEALTH is related with  
1) Biologically (---)      
2) Environmentally (---)
3) Chemically {handling & intaking} (---)
4) Psychologically (---)

  THE CREATOR creates 18,000 varieties of creations in this vast universe.12,000 varieties are living in water portion & 6,000 varieties are   living in earth portion.

THE CREATOR creates the mankind in beautiful manner, selects the mankind as the best among those creations & declares the mankind as HIS representatives.

THE CREATOR announces that the mankind & jins are created only for the purpose to worship, (ie. to obey the positive orders & avoid the negative   orders) THE CREATOR & the rest of the creations are for the welfare of the mankind. So, everyone can understand about the supremacy of the mankind.

Other than the mankind, are capable to live in this world without taking special efforts, as the efforts are being taken by the mankind even to restore the  normal health after affected. For example,the mongoose will be all right  even after several bites of snakes.  

Whereas, the liver of the mankind is struggling like anything, even to digest the day to day normal food ,because of the toxins infiltrated in the foodstuff, besides the modern medicines which are doing negative job. Pollution is also adding bonus to that evil action. How can we justify about the special and   fatty foods?. . .OOO..FFF!!!

THE CREATOR have made our sleep as a thing for rest & have madethe night as a covering The darkness of the night is as a covering, protects us from exposure to cold or heat, so this covering gives us spiritual respite from the buffets of the material world, and fromthe tiring activities of our own inner exertions. The rest in sleep is supplemented by the covering of the night with which we are provided by THE CREATOR.

Furthermore, THE CREATOR have made the day as a means of subsistence. Subsistence means only partly covers the idea of thelife-requirements which includes every kind of life activity. The day is specially illumunated, so runs   the figure of speech, in order thatthese life-activities of all kinds may be fully exercised.Therefore, the day is only for livelihood. We must adhere to.

Are we performing the above formula..?  Is anybody having the reply.., YES ? Most of us are having the common reply.., NO!!!

Therefore, our institution is looking forward towards the mankind to say the reply…, YES, INDEED..!

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