Sunday 11 August 2013



Four things are essential for mankind and creatures. In addition to that 4 things, Clothing is also essential for mankind alone. Hence five things are essential for mankind.

1. Home-Residence, 2.Clothing [for mankind alone], 3.Food, 4.Water & 5.Air.

Though the food is much essential, we are getting food, purely ON FREE OF COST with paying nothing, directly from the treasure of THE CREATOR. Sometimes due non availability, due to urgency, due to the intention to have tasty and rich food or in scarcity we are ready to pay much cost according to the availability and quality for the food, actually which is also the incidental charges and not for the food. So, everyone can understand that no one can pay the cost for food! T O  T H I N K: All creatures are getting their required food every day with paying no cost. They used to simply leaving with empty stomach in the morning from their nest, cave etc., and they will be returned back to their shelter with stomach full duly cheerful. Normally we can hear the cheerful sound of sparrow, parrot, crow [prof.crow] and of numerous tiny, small and big birds daily in the dusk. Similarly in dawn with duty consciousness. They are all free from worry! Our own people are trying to feed some sheep, goat, cow, ox, bull, horse, camel and few birds etc., for our own benefit.

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