Monday 12 August 2013


Kitchen doctor:
Take 200 grams of fresh small onion. Wash well & peel it off the skin. Cut every onion in to two pieces vertically {in one cut each].Keep ready the cooked boiled rice [not raw rice] in hot. Put the iron pan [not made up of other metal] on stove. Put on the fire with low flame. Pore little cow gee in the pan. Put the onion pieces in to the pan and fry well up to golden colour. Then put the hot white rice in the pan and mix for one minute. Then intake the gee rice with warm and drink 2 tumbler of home made buttermilk [400 ml]. After 1 or 1 ½ hour, the patient can intake the normal food as lunch.

The patient should not intake the green chilies in any form. Avoid spicy and fat items. Add more fresh figs fruits regularly. Drink more buttermilk often. Take steamed cabbage as snacks as much as possible. Though it is a simple food, the patient should imagine as a powerful treatment with involvement and follow for 2 or 3 weeks according to the requirement of the patient.
Consume the following good foods:
All available food crops such as paddy and millets [cereals]. All vegetables and fruits. All green leafy vegetables. All pulses. All seasonal fruits.Consume adequate water.
Avoid consuming the following:
Jung foods
Ice water
Perished and fermented foods.
Deeply fried foods.
Repeatedly heated oil.
Foods prepared from repeatedly heated oil.
Salt in excess.
Spice in excess.
Sour in excess.
Oil and fat in excess.
Blended foods ie. Both raw and cooked altogether in one meal. Can consume separately with required gap.
Consume the following plenty:
Fruits and vegetables
Smoked fish and meat
Boiled fish and meat
Steamed fish and meat
Fried grams as snacks.
Sprouted seeds as snacks.
Boiled Tapioca, sweet potato and Palmyra sprout.
Steamed Tapioca, sweet potato and Palmyra sprout.

Smoked Tapioca, sweet potato and Palmyra sprout

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